Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Platform Point #3: Improving Accessibility!

Surprisingly enough, lots of Arts students do want to be involved with the Arts Undergraduate Society. Many of them run in our Elections- a lot of them lose. Some want to be involved, don't want to run in elections.

There are many ways to be involved as a non-elected member of the AUS- on our Committees, on the Committees of the AMS, with planning specific events. Currently, the AUS is not a very open organization, and we have few students involved who do not serve in elected positions- those who are not elected are perhaps not viewed as equals.

I want to change this. I do not think that the past "Active Artsies" program was successful in recruiting students, so I will take a different approach. If re-elected, I will use the AUS website as a resource for encouraging students' involvement. I will publish AUS Committee meeting times and contact information, as well as AMS Committee member-at-large openings, with plenty of notice so that all students wanting to be involved are capable of doing so.

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